Delta has updated it’s statement on it’s decision to remove a discount for NRA members. The airline has added that it still supports the 2nd Amendment but took the decision to remain neutral in the current debate and remain focused on it’s business.
Delta has also been receiving push back on it’s decision in Georgia, where the company is headquarted. Delta had been trying to persuade Georgia’s Republican controlled legislature to legislate a tax break on fuel sales taxes, worth $40 million. After Delta’s statement former State Senator Rick Jeffares tweeted “If Delta is so flush that they don’t need NRA members’ hard-earned dollars, they can certainly do without the $40 million tax break they are asking GA taxpayers for.”
Georgia’s Lt. Governor and State Senate President, Casey Cagle, later tweeted, “”I will kill any tax legislation that benefits @Delta unless the company changes its position and fully reinstates its relationship with @NRA. Corporations cannot attack conservatives and expect us not to fight back.” The NRA tweeted the news and included the hashtags #StandandFight #SorryNotSorry with a fist bump emoji.
Legal experts are divided over whether such a statement by an elected official runs into any 1st Amendment issues.
Cagle is running for Governor and Jeffares Lt. Governor.
Both the Virginia and New York Governors have since tweeted that Delta is welcome to move to their states.
Delta’s updated statement in full:
“Delta issued the following statement:
Delta informed the National Rifle Association Saturday that the airline will end its contract for discounted fares for travel to the association’s 2018 annual meeting. The company requested that the NRA remove Delta’s information from its meeting website.
Delta’s decision reflects the airline’s neutral status in the current national debate over gun control amid recent school shootings. Out of respect for our customers and employees on both sides, Delta has taken this action to refrain from entering this debate and focus on its business. Delta continues to support the 2nd Amendment.
This is not the first time Delta has withdrawn support over a politically and emotionally charged issue. Last year, Delta withdrew its sponsorship of a theater that staged a graphic interpretation of “Julius Caesar” depicting the assassination of President Trump. Delta supports all of its customers but will not support organizations on any side of any highly charged political issue that divides our nation.”