New countries decided to close its airspaces to Russian Airlines from Sunday evening.
Minister of transport Jean-baptiste Djebarri announced that France is closing its Airspace to Russian aircraft.
La France ferme son espace aérien aux avions et compagnies aériennes russes à compter de ce soir. Face à l’invasion russe de l’Ukraine, l’unité de l’Europe est totale.
— Jean-Baptiste Djebbari (@Djebbari_JB) February 27, 2022
Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management announced that the the Netherlands will close its airspace to Russian aircrafts from Sunday evening.
In het Nederlandse luchtruim is geen ruimte voor een regime wat onnodig en bruut geweld toepast. Nederland bereidt zich daarom voor vanavond het luchtruim te sluiten voor Russische vliegtuigen.
— Mark Harbers (@markharbers) February 27, 2022
Italia Presidency of the Council of Ministers.
#Ucraina – L’Italia chiude lo spazio aereo alla Russia
— Palazzo_Chigi (@Palazzo_Chigi) February 27, 2022
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iceland also decided to close its airspace to Russian air traffic, in solidarity with Ukraine.
Iceland has decided to close its airspace to Russian air traffic, in solidarity with #Ukraine 🇮🇸 🇺🇦
— Þórdís Kolbrún Reykfjörð Gylfadóttir🇮🇸 (@thordiskolbrun) February 27, 2022
Same decision fur Austria.
Auch Österreich wird ab 15 Uhr seinen Luftraum und seine Flughäfen für russische Flugzeuge sperren. Wir tun alles, um Vladimir Putin zu zeigen, dass wir seine Invasion in die Ukraine nicht akzeptieren!
— Karl Nehammer (@karlnehammer) February 27, 2022