A big portion of Spanish and French Airspace and is regulated due to the re-entry of Chinese rocket’s debris.
A big portion of Spanish Airspace is being regulated (with a period of 0 rate) due to the re-entry of rocket CZ-5B.
Please refer to the dedicated entry in the NOP. High delays all morning.
Airports in Barcelona, Tarragona, Ibiza and Reus are known to have grounded all flights, with reports that other regions including La Rioja and Castilla and Leon also affected.
Several scenarios are applied to help balance the loads between upper and lower sectors.
A spokesman for Catalonia’s Civil Protection Agency confirmed: “Due to the risk associated with the passage of the CZ-5B space object crossing Spanish airspace, flights have been completely restricted from 9.38am to 10.18am in Catalonia and other communities.
French authorities said “Due to the re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere of space debris from a Chinese rocket, France has decided to close its airspace located south of Corsica from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.”
High delays are expected.