Flight forced to make emergency landing after man claimed woman stuck him with syringe.
The chaotic incident happened during a flight from New York to Orlando, during which a passenger reportedly complained that another passenger was attacking him with the needle from behind.
A disruptive passenger on a Frontier Airlines flight to Orlando had to be restrained by fellow passengers after he allegedly yelled about being stuck with needles by the woman behind him, forcing the flight to stop in Raleigh as he was led off.
The unidentified man was onboard flight 1335 from New York’s LaGuardia Airport to Orlando on Wednesday night when he began yelling and complaining that the woman behind him was trying to steal his DNA with a syringe.
The unruly passenger on Wednesday’s flight threatened a baby and said he would kill everyone, another passenger told WTVD.
-Emergency landing in North Carolina on Frontier Flight F9 1335
-Citizens arrest
-Guy started flipping out saying the lady behind him was sticking him with needle to steal dna
-Said he’d smack every mf on this plane
-Threatened a baby
-Said he’d kill everyone on this plane pic.twitter.com/0kYiDYMlod— GOTC (@GOTC86994727) February 10, 2022
Video from the flight, which has been circulated on social media, shows the commotion inside the plane as at least six passengers crowded around him and tried to get him to stay put.
‘Hey y’all, he needs to sit in his seat,’ one woman can be heard saying. ‘So don’t tie his feet like that. He needs to be able to sit in his seat.’
The man screams: ‘Don’t let me go. No!’
‘They are now fighting,’ one woman adds, with a passenger screaming, ‘Tie him up!’
The man was eventually escorted off the plane after an emergency landing in Raleigh.