KLM flight from Amsterdam arrived 1 day and 6 hours late at Mexico City due to 100 pigs in cargo hold.
KLM KL685 departed late Friday, December 13 2024 from Amsterdam. The flight departed at 15:15, 45 mins late due to a last-minute repair to the aircraft.

After 7 hours of flight over the Atlantic, the crew decided to divert to Bermuda due to smelly pigs in the cargo hold of the Boeing 787-9.
But the smell of the animals was so strong that pilots decided to make a stopover in Bermuda were the pigs were removed form the cargo hold.

The pilots warned ATC about the living cargo causing the inconvenience to the 259 passengers and crew members.
The aircraft (registration PH-BHA) landed at 15:38 CST at L.F. Wade International Airport for a 29-hour stop over.
Passengers and crew were accommodated in nearby hotels.
The flight resumed Saturday, December 14 2024. It took off at 10:47 pm and finally landed 4 hours and 36 minutes later in Mexico City on Sunday at 01:34 CST.
Yesterday, KLM flight KL685 operated by a Boeing 777-200 ER (registration PH-BQH) to Mexico had a stop at BDA to pick up those specific pigs to bring them to Mexico anyway.