The state-controlled Channel One broadcast images said to have come from either British or US satellites, and allegedly showing a Ukrainian fighter jet shooting down the Malaysia Airlines’ plane on July 17.
But web experts claimed the picture was a “crude forgery” pointing out the Malaysia Airlines’ logo was on the wrong side, and the image was a direct copy of a publicity shot of a Boeing 767, not even a 777.
Here is the high resolution “photo’:
Here is Brown Moses analyses:
Also, the satellite map image put MH17 50km west of the crash site, oops
— Brown Moses (@Brown_Moses) November 14, 2014
For those looking for this, go to Google Earth, go to 47°57’12.22″N, 37°50’4.09″ set historical imagery to 28/08/2012
— Brown Moses (@Brown_Moses) November 14, 2014
Looks like in this new MH17 satellite “evidence” the position of the Malaysia airlines logo is in the wrong place
— Brown Moses (@Brown_Moses) November 14, 2014