UPDATE 14:18UTC We have confirmation Hainan Airlines #HU7908 safely landed runway 27L at to Paris CDG.
UPDATE EMERGENCY #HU7908 A330 entering holding pattern to burn fuel north of CDG. Live: http://t.co/c41jBVhBKe pic.twitter.com/RhhLj5M42x— AirLive.net (@airlivenet) July 30, 2015
UPDATE EMERGENCY #HU7908 is holding 8,000ft at north of Paris CDG. Live: http://t.co/c41jBVhBKe pic.twitter.com/AgCCbHEm1c— AirLive.net (@airlivenet) July 30, 2015
BREAKING Hainan Airlines from Paris CDG to Xi’an is declaring an emergency. Live: http://t.co/c41jBVhBKe pic.twitter.com/F6wgsUxPSg— AirLive.net (@airlivenet) July 30, 2015