Qantas has released it’s full year financial results. While the airline announced record revenue, it’s profit has dropped 17%, mostly due to increased fuel prices ($600 million increase), the lower Australian dollar ($150 million), and employee leave provisions ($92 million). Loyalty has become the airline’s second biggest earner after domestic travel.
Qantas also announced a final dividend of 13c and a plan to buy back up to 79.7 million shares off-market. A $1250 travel bonus was also awarded to all 25 000 non-executive employees.
- Underlying Profit Before Tax: $1.30 billion (down 17%)
- Statutory Profit Before Tax: $1.27 billion (down 6%)
- Statutory Earnings Per Share: 54.6c (flat on last year)
- Return On Invested Capital: 18.4%
- Net free cash flow: $1,244 million
The full Qantas press release can be found here
Qantas CEO comments can be found here
N.B. All amounts are in Australian dollars