Monday at around 16:30 (local time) an F/A-18 C (single seat) of the Swiss Air Force has been missing in the Alps area. Rescue team was immediately activated.
UPDATE Wednesday
- Swiss find dead pilot from crashed Air Force F/A-18.
UPDATE Tuesday
- Swiss search parties have found crashed air force fighter jet, still seeking pilot, Swiss Defense Ministry says.
- Helicopters continue search for Swiss Air Force F/A-18 single-seater jet missing over the Susten Pass.
UPDATE Monday – Press conference swiss army
- Can’t look for the pilot due to weather conditions.
- It was a Training flight with two aircrafts, it was the 2nd one which is lost, flight by instruments.
- Still no contact to pilot. Airport Meiringen closed for jets tomorrow.
- Crew for searching on ground, but no helicopter or aircraft.