Aerolíneas Argentinas head Mariano Recalde confirmed the two pilots who appeared in a video allowing actress and model Vicky Xipolitakis to manipulate the Austral plane they were driving have been fired.
“These are responsibilities that have put lives at risk,” Recalde said vowing to act “firmly” and have “justice investigate” the incident.
“As soon as we became aware of the situation, we dismissed the pilots. They are two irresponsible people who put at risk the security of people and we will request justice to investigate, as the 190 article of the Penal Code expresses,” the president of Argentina’s flag carrier said in statements to the C5N TV news channel on Thursday’s night.
“It is not an isolated matter but public, that’s why we will act firmly because nothing justifies what happened, and it will have to be analyzed whether they committed a crime,” he said adding Xipolitakis will also face sanctions by the airline.