This footage shows a strike on a mechanical excavator being used by Daesh to construct defensive positions in Northern Iraq. The strike took place on the 28 December 2015, by a Typhoon FGR4 aircraft using a Paveway bomb.
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RAF Typhoon uses Paveway bomb to destroy Daesh mechanical exca…
This footage shows a strike on a mechanical excavator being used by Daesh to construct defensive positions in Northern Iraq. The strike took place on the 28 December 2015, by a Typhoon FGR4 aircraft using a Paveway bomb.On Monday 4 January, a pair of RAF Typhoon FGR4s operated over northern Iraq and used Paveway IV precision guided bombs to attack eight terrorist mortar and rocket positions. Meanwhile, Tornado GR4 crews provided close air support to the Iraqi army as they continue their operations to eliminate the remaining terrorist fighters in and around Ramadi. When an Iraqi unit came under rocket-propelled grenade and mortar fire from several Daesh-held buildings, the GR4s conducted a very accurate attack on all four buildings using Paveway IVs. The Tornados were tasked to deal with a group of terrorists who were preparing for a counter-attack. Despite this being a difficult target for most weapons, the GR4s were able to score a direct hit with a Brimstone missile.An RAF Reaper was also patrolling over Ramadi. It provided surveillance support for three air strikes by coalition fast jets and conducted two attacks using its own weapons. The Reaper crew employed a GBU-12 laser guided bomb against a Daesh machine-gun team, and destroyed two terrorist trucks with a single Hellfire missile. On Monday evening, a Tornado patrol, supported as ever by a Voyager air refuelling tanker, used a Paveway IV to strike a Daesh-held building near Mosul.On Tuesday 5 January, RAF Typhoon patrols over Ramadi continued, they used Paveway bombs to destroy two terrorist machine-gun positions, as well as an anti-aircraft gun that had opened fire on an Iraqi Air Force helicopter. Near Haditha, Reaper aircraft provided close air support to Iraqi security forces as Daesh attempted to mount an attack. Hellfire missiles and a GBU-12 were used against two armed pick-up trucks, two machine-gun teams and groups of terrorist fighters. In the area around Mosul, Tornado GR4s hit two Daesh rocket teams.For regular updates on air operations in the fight against Daesh see:
Posté par Royal Air Force sur jeudi 7 janvier 2016