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NEWS Victoria’s Secret chartered a private jet from New York, full of models to Paris fashion show

  Victoria’s Secret on Monday chartered a plane from New York to…


ALERT New Lufthansa strike Tuesday and Wednesday

Strike of the Pilots union “Vereinigung Cockpit” (VC) for Lufthansa flights from…


NEWS Scottish Airshow Launch Calendar for 2017

The Scottish Airshow Launch their official calendar for 2017. The cost is…

Daniel Sander

ALERT New Lufthansa strike announced for tomorrow

Lufthansa pilots’ union Vereinigung Cockpit has announced an additional strike for Thursday,…


NEWS Transasia airline shuts after crashes

Taiwanese airline Transasia is shutting down after two fatal crashes and heavy…


NEWS Over 40 passengers escorted off Brussles Airlines flight to Spain.

A Brussels Airlines flight to Alicante was forced to return to the…

Brendan Grainger

VIDEO An army of Pikachus dancing this morning at Singapore Changi Airport

An army of Pikachus dancing this morning at the Singapore Changi Airport.…


ALERT A mother throws her newborn baby in airport bin because she didn’t want to miss connecting flight

A mother was arrested for chucking her baby away in an airport toilet…


NEWS British Airways first class passenger fined £13 after being caught filming up a stewardess’s skirt

A British businessman arrested on a BA flight for filming up a…


VIDEO Boeing Centennial Projection Spectacular

In July 2016 The Boeing Company celebrated its 100th year in business.…

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