NEWS United Flight to Chicago Makes Emergency Landing
GoJet Airlines said in a statement that United Flight 3642, operating as United Express, diverted because of an indication of smoke in the cockpit.View article
NEWS Southwest Airlines plane makes emergency landing in Dallas after tire blowout during takeoff
DALLAS A Southwest Airlines jet has made a safe emergency landing ... air traffic controllers could check for any damage, then landed the plane.View article
NEWS Southwest Airlines Flight Makes Emergency Landing After Tire Blows Out
Earlier on Aug. 17, a pilot on a Southwest Airlines declared an emergency aboard a flight from Milwaukee to Orlando before landing Sunday morning.View article
NEWS Afternoon briefs: Deere announces layoffs; Oracle sued; Southwest plane makes emergency landing
EMERGENCY LANDING --. A Southwest Airline plane had to make an emergency landing in Dallas Friday after a tire blew out during the takeoff.View article
NEWS Austin Bound Southwest Flight Makes Emergency Landing
DALLAS (KTVT)-- An Austin bound Southwest flight was forced to return to Love Field in Dallas on Friday after a report of a mechanical problem.View article
NEWS f-16 Emergency Landing
Watch the video f-16 Emergency Landing on Yahoo News . f-16 Emergency Landing.View article
NASA image of the day: Back Shell Tile Panels Installed on NASA's Orion Spacecraft
Inside the Operations and Checkout Building high bay at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, technicians dressed in clean-room suits have installed a back shell tile panel onto the Orion…
NEWS EASA issues volcanic ash safety bulletin
The European Aviation Safety Agency has issued a safety information bulletin (SIB) to prepare airlines, air navigation service providers and national aviation authorities for the procedures they would have to…
NEWS Weather cuts short PM's Chitral visit; urgent landing in Peshawar
... on way to Chitral for inspecting the Lowari Tunnel project after bad weather forced his chopper to make an emergency landing at Governor's House.View article
NEWS A plane made an emergency landing in Indianapolis yesterday because of smoke in cockpit
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NEWS Initial report shows plane that crashed in Standish low on fuel
Billy Werth is an experienced pilot, but he was forced into an unfamiliar situation Sunday when he made an emergency landing in Standish.View article
NEWS Plane diverted due to windshield crack
NASHVILLE, Tenn. A United Airlines flight has landed safely in Nashville, Tennessee, after a crack was found in the plane's windshield.View article