What Should You Major in if You Want to be a Pilot?

4 Min Read

If you are passionate about aviation, you might want to work in the industry someday. But to do so, you’ll need to get a degree. Luckily, there is a range of programs available to prepare you for the industry.

Preparing for School

Before attending college, you’ll want to prepare for the rigors of your education. You can do so by shadowing flight lessons to see if this is something you want to do. Pay attention to how the classes progress and what the instructor and students do throughout. Part of preparing for your education also includes paying for it. Many students find it challenging to pay for their education. Luckily, you have some options, including private student loans. That way, you can finance your education without worrying about getting a job while in school.

Bachelor of Aviation

This is one of the most common kinds of higher education. It’s an excellent option if you want one program to prepare you for the field. You can expect to spend many hours in the cockpit. The classes you’ll take might vary depending on the college, and the program might take around four to six years.

Aviation Technology

If you already have a bit of experience, you might want to get a Bachelor of Science in aviation technology. It is the culmination of your courses, allowing you to get a commercial pilot certificate. The degree program prepares you to get in the air, and it might involve some flight training. Aircraft maintenance takes up a lot of the coursework. It teaches you to operate aircraft. You can expect to take classes such as physics and aerodynamics.

It offers the necessary skills for becoming a pilot, and the kinds of certifications you can get might vary. You’ll want to make sure you pick one that prepares you for your desired career. Some employers might prefer you to have a Bachelor of Science instead of a Bachelor of Arts. That’s because a BS is often more rigorous, depending on the school. And getting that degree often teaches you more than a BA in aviation.

Getting a Bachelor of Aeronautical Science

You’ll learn how to create an aircraft, and you will gain experience with the components keeping the machine in the air. The degree is not directly linked to piloting but understanding how the planes work and what elements make them up gives you a unique set of skills. It’s more common to get this degree if you want to maintain planes or create new parts. The degree gives you the necessary preparation for working in the air traffic controller industry. 

The area might seem specialized, but pursuing the field prepares you for one of many careers. The degree might not prepare you directly for becoming a pilot since you’ll still need to undergo training. The program does not allow for navigating a plane. Still, the courses contain much of the same material that aviation students learn. And the degree might lead to one of several possible career paths. Even if you still work as a pilot, the classes give you the option of trying aviation engineering.

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